Sunday, May 31, 2015

I'll keep on...

Well, it is late on Sunday evening, and I will admit that I can quite crabby.  I am crabby that tomorrow is Monday.  I am crabby about having to go back to work, and my children back to school tomorrow.   It has been a very productive and enjoyable weekend; but I am TIRED!

Just a few minutes ago, I thought "Oh, I've been wanting to Blog and use the new song "I'll Keep On" by NF..... "

Here it is to listen to:

I have been hearing this tune on the radio very often lately, and it is always at the very right times....when I am running kids from on event to another, or running myself from one Dr. Appt. to another.  When I have been feeling like I can't 'Keep On' at this crazy pace of life, I hear this tune on the radio and am reminded that I WILL keep on! :)

So, when the song says " My shoulders, they ain't built for this", I will admit, that is often how I feel about the fast paced life that my family lives!  Both in a physical and a mental way, there are many days that I feel I cannot 'carry' the many burdens of my life!

I need a constant reminder that, if I just continue to give all worries, all needs, all exhaustion, EVERYTHING up to God, he will take care of it all! Everything WILL be okay!

And as I'm typing this all, and listening to this Great tune, I am reminded of another thing that I've had on my "to Blog about" list for some time.....  My family and I had to travel for a funeral, about a month or so ago, and I had such a hard time getting us all ready to travel!  I recall myself complaining (both to myself & out loud) about all the rushed preparations....

Well, we all know that a person doesn't really get much notice of a funeral, a few days at most.  This was a very close family member, and my husband was asked to be a Pallbearer.  He did not have a suit.  My kids are boys, and despise dress clothes for the most part, so they did not have appropriate clothes either. So, I had ALOT of clothes shopping to do in just 2 days (of which I was working full days those 2 days also)!  Then, I recall, that I had a pre-arranged obligation to bring some toppings for some kind of potato bar or something at school...... It was Conferences week, and the PTO was taking food for the teachers.

So, the 1st evening was spent towing uncooperative boys and husband all around town to find the appropriate clothing for this event.  The 2nd evening (the night before the out-of-town funeral) was spent hemming and ironing pants, cooking and cutting toppings for the PTO/teacher meal, and packing clothing and toiletries for everyone,

I distinctly remember several times that evening that I thought to myself "I CANNOT do this!"

But then, while with family prior to the funeral, a story came up of a time when this mother of TEN, was doing laundry (with an old crank washer, washing board, and tub), and she had gotten her arm stuck in the rollers of the crank washer!  Some of her children were outside playing and the others and her husband were out working in the field.  There was no one to hear her cry for help.  There were no cell phones to call for help, nor to get a hold of the husband in the field.

I remember listening to that story so carefully, and thinking "Wow, if she could figure that predicament out all by herself, than I can make it through some crazy days too!"  I told myself " What are you complaining about?  Can you imagine trying to raise that many kids, that many years ago, before any of the conveniences that we have now?"

Once I am reminded, by that song, and by the stories of faithful and strong women of the past, to lift ALL of my burdens up to God, and that He is going to take all of that weight off of my shoulders EVERYDAY; and then I see, at the end of each day, that I have, in fact, 'made it' through the chaos, I am ready to KEEP ON for as long as the Lord asks me too!

May you always KEEP ON, knowing that the Lord is with you every step of the way!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Answers to Prayer

I had such a mind blowing experience this week...

My family has been considering purchasing a different vehicle for a couple of weeks now.  The van that we have, is not so "healthy", and probably will not be serving it's purpose too much longer...

So, together, we had put together a list of all of the "needs" and "wants" in a new vehicle (well, new to us...).   We took our time contemplating all of the features that we felt we needed/wanted, and that would best serve our family.

Once the list was complete, we began looking around town at used vehicles.

The first day that we physically went to car lots, we found one that we really liked, and it had 16 of the 17 items on our "list".    I test drove it, and fell in love, but had to return later (without children) to talk price, etc....

When I returned to the dealership, only 1 1/2 hrs. later, I knew that we really liked the vehicle, but felt uneasy about the purchase....    The dealer that had helped us, greeted me and said, "I have to finish something up, can you wait in the waiting area for a few minuets?"   So I did.  I checked emails and Facebook, and made a phone call from my to-do list, and still the dealer had not returned...  So, I thought to myself, "what can I do now", as I was waiting, and the 1st thing to mind was "pray about this purchase, and whether it is the right move."  So I did.  I folded my hands in my lap and silently prayed, "Lord, is this the right vehicle for us?  Please give me a sign whether this is the one I should buy."

10 SECONDS later, the dealer that I had worked with, came reluctantly up to me and said "I am SO SORRY!   The vehicle that you were interested in just sold.   Please don't hate me!  I am SO SORRY!"  I just, got up out of my comfy chair, and said "OK, no problem", and walked out with no regrets.

That is truly one of the most CLEAR answers to prayer that I have ever received!   I  knew, going into the dealership, that something didn't feel right to me.  Who knows what it was that made that vehicle NOT the right choice for us.....but THANK GOD for the clear message!

P.S.  The following day, we found a used vehicle with all 17 of the 17 items on our "want" list.  We put it on "hold", prayed about and considered it for 2 whole days.....and since God did not give us any messages otherwise, this time, we purchased the PERFECT vehicle for us! :)

Thank you God!