the act of taking or receiving something offered.
favorable reception; approval; favor.
the act of assenting or believing:
acceptance of a theory.
the fact or state of being accepted or acceptable.
I was in charge of a large event this past week; the preparation for it was very stressful. The event went wonderfully, but when it was time to bring it to conclusion, as I was closing the event, I gave some very incorrect information to the 400+ people in attendance, by mistake.
A few moments after the event had ended, a group of attendees came to me and questioned the validity of the information shared in the closing; they demanded that I reconsider what I had said...
As I ran through the events of the evening in my mind, I realized that everything did not add up to my statements in the closing of the event. I began to panic and re-think my conclusions.
I felt so very defeated; but not by the innocent mistake that I had made in giving out incorrect information, but rather, deeply discouraged by the down-turned faces of the attendees, showing that they were disappointed in me. I could feel in their voices, the distrust of my words, and I could feel from their looks, the disappointment in me, stemming from my mistake.
I left the event, still in tears. And as I drove home, I began to wonder....Why was I such a wreak about this? Why couldn't I stop crying?
I stayed up through most of that night, physically exhausted, but mentally ALIVE with this revelation. I wrote down all of my thoughts as I processed this; present and past, and the ways that I strive for acceptance of others, in all that I do. The last thing that I did before falling asleep, was type out a public apology about that evenings mistake, correcting it. Then I finally cried myself to sleep.
The next morning, it was so hard to get out of bed. I had to return to that place, and face those same people, that were disappointed in me, and fix my mistake. I envisioned arriving to an angry group of dissatisfied people, waiting to give me a piece of their mind. But, I had to go back, and forced myself to do so.
As I wearily drove back to that place, God blessed me with the new song, playing on the radio:
"You Are Loved" by Stars Go Dim
God spoke directly to my heart, through the words of this song..."You don't have to prove yourself!"
"Don't Try to be someone else!"
Over and over God reminded me, through this song, just how loved and accepted I am by Him!
And that acceptance is everlasting, all loving, and stronger than any human acceptance that I can obtain!
As I arrived at my destination, with tears of joy in my eyes, I felt confident that the day ahead would be OK, and that if I needed encouragement, I would simply Look up, and Know that I am Loved!
Whenever you need to be reminded, just look up, and know You Are Loved!