There is one game in particular, that I will not soon forget...
My son played so wonderful! He had 2 home-runs and bases were loaded one of those times. It was so exciting!
My heart warmed each time that I saw his cute face, glowing with pride, at the job that he was doing! Even more heartwarming though, was the conversation that he and I had after the game...
I gave him a big hug and many congratulations; and when we got in the car to drive home, I asked "Do you know what was different tonight, that you were able to hit so well?" His response was so perfect....
He said "Well mom, I have had a couple of bad days. I decided tonight that the bat in my hands was going to help me beat down the devil, which was the ball. I've been getting into trouble, and I decided to hit him out of my brain." (Followed by another proud, beautiful smile on his face)
Wow! I was even more proud in that moment! I was well aware that he had been having a rough week, so I responded with, "So did that help? Do you feel better now?" To which he said "Yes! I beat him!"
If only we all remembered, that our response to temptation, to bad days, to less than perfection, should be to fight back, and be even more awesome in return! When we are frustrated by the devil, and want him to go away, all we need to do is hit harder than him; fight harder than him!
Go into life's struggles with a plan to beat the Devil! Use faith and prayer as your tools to swing hard! Turn your bad days into Victories!
.......I smiled even larger that evening, knowing that my kids know how to fight back against the Devil!
Have a GREAT WEEK, and
Knock the Devil out of Your Ballpark!
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