Tuesday, September 26, 2017

When it Rains it Pours

But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.       Isaiah 40:31
My title was chosen in the sense of a wonderful rain; a blessing filled rain. I am writing today about God raining down blessings. Your mental image, however, should be of Him pouring them out so heavily, and so quickly, that the positive change is overwhelming.
Have you been there?  I hope so!
Let’s reflect with sheer positivity for a moment… Have you been overwhelmingly blessed?
I am at that point right now in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing to complain about at all; but still I am overwhelmed. The good Lord blessed me with a wonderful new Full-time job (better for my family, scary for the future of my volunteer ministry…), a finished book proposal (finally!), several speaking engagements, and 3 Publisher appointments, all in the same month. This is very wonderful and prayer answering indeed, however, I am quite overwhelmed while preparing for Publisher meetings to pitch my 1st solo book, while also learning a new, complicated, job.
So, I look to the Bible for encouragement in this time of happy exhaustion…
And I am immediately reminded, from Isaiah, that the Lord will renew my strength.  That when I feel as though I can no longer walk on, the Lord will provide me with wings to fly ahead and rest my weary legs.  That I will not faint, for with strength from the Lord in my heart, mind, and body, I can run any and every race to its completion!  And you can too, dear sister in Christ!
Lean on the Lord; Trust in the Lord.  These statements are not only for trying times, but rather for all of life’s overwhelming times, whether positive or not. 
Remember, dear sisters, that you might still feel exhausted, even when you are deeply blessed, and that is OK! And with that, look to the Lord for strength of carry on!
God gives us blessings for specific reasons that only He knows, and while we are praising Him for the blessings, lets always also remember to pray to Him about the intended use of those blessings, and that our Heavenly Father help us Bless others through all that we have been given!
Ministering to others can become exhausting and overwhelming. I’ll be the first to admit that I have almost lost my cool teaching Sunday School. Yes, I have dragged myself out of bed, and half-heartedly went to worship on Sunday morning. But do you know what? God pushes us through the exhausting points, and onward, toward the moments of value, when we can sit back and say, ‘that was worth it! I reached someone today’ or ‘God touched me through that experience’. The purpose will be found in every single moment that God pushes us through and to; and once that beautiful purpose is revealed, the overwhelmed-ness turns to gratefulness!   Deep gratefulness for the opportunity to experience that blessing!!
Be Thankful!   Be Humble!   Feel and admire the strength coming directly from God, to you, for His purpose. And dear Christian Sisters, enjoy the pouring rain; dance in the pouring rain!
*This post was 1st seen on Daughters of the Deep

Saturday, September 2, 2017

My Testimony of Faith - Seen 1st on "Daughters of the Deep"

If you are interested in my story of faith, the delicate event that led to the deepening of my faith like none other; here's my story...

Here is the link to my raw, honest, testimony of faith, 
shared 1st on Daughters of the Deep....

My Testimony of Faith

My Grace is sufficient for you, 
for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 
2 Corinthians 12:9

"Why Lord" - My Post on Daughters of the Deep

Has God taken you out of someplace where you were relatively happy, and instead placed you in a situation that you did not understand? 

This blog post will encourage you during that season.

"Why Lord" - My Post on Daughters of the Deep

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