Monday, August 18, 2014


Wow!  Yesterday was a very tough day of motherhood for me! My boys did not listen to a single rule or a single word out of my mouth (or so it seemed)! They made me 20 minutes late for work while throwing fits, they physically hurt the babysitter (by accident, but doing something against rules), they refused to school shop with me and gave me a snotty "we don't care" when I said I would just pick all of their school supplies, this day was not one of my finest! 

Last night I felt so very defeated.  So exhausted and wondering what I have done wrong to raise such rude children.....

Parenting can be really really hard sometimes. There are days when you wake up in the morning already tired, and this is how I felt today, after a day like yesterday.
Thankfully, we can always look to God's word for help in tough times. I searched my online Bible last night for keyword, "tired". And this is the first verse that was on top:

"Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Hebrews 12:3

Wow! Thank you for speaking to me so clearly Lord! I have been receiving great opposition from little men. Ha!  But not even comparable, not even mentionable, to the opposition our  Savior Jesus faced on earth!  This verse spoke to me and  told me to "buck up, stay strong, and not lose heart", which is exactly what I needed to hear!  

Oh, and by the way, I bought all gray notebooks, black pencil bags and folders, and plain tan pencils. Those boys will just have to deal with it!  Darn kids! :-) ha!

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