Sunday, October 4, 2015


Patience is a very difficult thing to have!  In this very fast paced life, waiting for something that we want, can be excruciating! 

God tells us in many places in the Bible to "Have Patience".  Here are a few that we are going to look at today: 

Romans 8:25
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. 

Luke 8:15
But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. 

Romans 8:25 makes me remember being pregnant. The actual baby could not be seen, but we waited for it with patience.  Conception sometimes takes patience; the act of birth takes patience...   In all of that waiting and hoping, for what we do not see, we are to be patient.   But it's very difficult to wait for the positive on the pregnancy test, or to wait to meet that baby that's growing in a tummy, or to wait to see if the baby is healthy after birth....  These are times when we have no other choice than to be patient.  Nothing that we do can speed up the process in any of these instances, only God himself can make things happen. 

I believe that calm patience is an important factor in the equation of life, and in receiving what we've hoped for! 

Luke 8:15 makes me think of growing a garden and a flower bed. Both take much patience and a lot of time.  You must start the seed, and if it is maintained with all the right "good stuff", it will grow into a beautiful plant full of vegetables or beautiful flowers! 

As I began to think about that scripture, I was first convinced that described my role as a mother.  To plant my children in 'Good Soil', and keep patiently feeding them the right knowledge, love, and Scripture, so that they may grow into prosperous, healthy adults.   

That is certainly true, but I also realized, that even as fully grown adults, we must plant ourselves in 'Good Soil', and maintain our health, both physically and spiritually.  We must continually learn, and seek knowledge.  In order to continue to 'bear fruit', at home, work, in marriage, at church, and in every other avenue of life, we must patiently care for ourselves appropriately.   

In this time of transition in my own life, I am finding graceful patience very important, and  I thank God every moment that I am 'planted' among other healthy, happy, and caring 'flowers', and that I am constantly fed by His word, and by the wonderful people He has placed around me! 

Thank you Lord, for making your 'Good Soil' available to us every day, to keep us growing in faith, and blooming through life! 

Here's a great song, called "Grow"........Enjoy!

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