In this constantly busy, ever moving life, the power of Pause can be hard to experience.
Today, while running my morning errands, I was given a very beautiful opportunity to Pause.
If you've been reading my Blog for a while, you probably will recall that music is a large part of who I am. One song can change my day for the better, and the days that I get to sing, are the best days!
If you look at the date of this post, you will also see that today is Valentine's Day. As a person who tries not to fall prey to the commercialization of all of these "holidays", I don't have much planned today. I did however, stop and buy a heart shaped cake to share with my family.
While at the grocery store, standing in line to pay, I was blessed with a day-changing gift, and a cherished moment of Pause.
A group of 6 men, walked into the grocery store near me, in tuxedos with red ties and cummerbunds. They proceeded to deliver a "Singing Valentine" to a woman working at the grocery store. They gave a stellar performance! They sang an entire song, at length, with beautiful harmony. The woman receiving the song was smiling so broadly, and then happy tears began to flow down her face.
This was a touching moment for me, to Pause and witness, for many reasons...
* The gift these men were sharing with so many people, by sharing their talented voices, was deeply inspiring.
* The dedication they showed to creating pure awe with each word they sang, showed a true example of "love your neighbor as yourself", in that they sought to spend their whole day making others day wonderful.
* The beauty of watching to recipient of this gift, be so deeply touched by it, was enough alone, to be grateful for having shared in that moment; and she was a total stranger.
* The peacefulness that my soul felt, in those brief moments of Pause, was powerful! In those moments, I was reminded of the kindness humanity is capable of. I was reminded of the power of Pause, grasped whenever we can, throughout the never-ending tasks of our days.
Job 37:14
Pause a moment, Job, and listen;
consider the wonderful things God does.
Pause, dear children of God, Pause......
Then, blessed once again, as I sit here in Starbucks Pausing from daily life, to type this post; I looked up the origin of Job 37, and this is all I needed to know...
"Then the Lord spoke to Job, out of the storm......"
Now that verse takes on even more meaning! So often in the midst of our minor storms, our trials during the journey of motherhood, and throughout the journey of this life, for that matter; we need to be reminded right from the middle of each storm, to Pause to notice the wonderful things around us! Click To Tweet
That special moment in the grocery store this morning, that caused me to pause and soak in the beauty of those God-given voices and those joy-filled tears, blessed my day too. So, as I walk into the rest of my busy day today, I am refreshed by the joy that overcame me, in that moment of Pause.
May your days be filled with small, beautiful pauses, that remind you of God glory and presence, even in the midst of storms!
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