Today's Guest Blogger is Mandy Lawrence Hill
Mandy is blessing us with her words, here on this Day 4 of "Friendship Week" at FromMyLifeToYourHeart!
A friend is always loyal, and a {sister} is born to help in time of need. (Proverbs 17:17)
Many of you read my last post and probably thought back to a time or times when you have been burned by friendship in the past. Perhaps a friend betrayed your trust, broke a confidence, perhaps a friend offended you, said something hurtful. One of the main reasons that people are without a good friend is because they have been burned in the past and lack the desire to trust again.
The word of God speaks of times such as these:
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
He didn’t say we might have trouble….He said we will.
We will have trouble.
But the incredible thing to remember is the truth that comes next in this verse. “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Our God is victorious!!! He knows what we need and helps us grow to be more like him through times of trouble.
As I mentioned in my previous post; we need to be a friend to have a friend. “Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them.
Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get. (Matthew 7:12)
You see friends, it isn’t our job to worry or condemn those who have hurt us. We must move past the hurt; forgive them even if they don’t ask and The Lord will fill the places where hurt feelings once lived with sweet peace. We must pick up the ashes and let the beauty grow. We need to pray for them and above all else we must love. Love at ALL times. Even when it hurts.
If we cut someone out of our life at the first sign of conflict or adversary we will miss out on the beauty of reconciliation. The best friendships are those that have come up against the storm, they’ve bent and swayed with the wind, but they have stayed rooted in the ground.
Are you holding back on being a friend because you’ve “been burned in the past?!
Heavenly Father, I thank you for my sisters. I pray right now for those that are carrying around past hurts, heal the area of their hearts that are so desperate for peace. I ask that you will give them the strength to exchange beauty for their ashes and move on to the incredible things that you have in store. We know God, that unresolved hurts hold us back from fully experiencing you and so we give them all to you; a wonderful God who has already fought the battle and has won. You are victorious and we trust you and your ways. Thank you God. We love you so much! Amen.
(The above post was originally posted on July 16, 2013 at
Thank you Mandy, for this wonderful post! We all need to be reminded from time to time that good girlfriends are worth their weight in gold! It is amazing to hear Jesus say that we "WILL have troubles", and to be reminded that we will overcome them through Him! I have had some troubled occasions with girlfriends in the past, and even as I read your post, know of a relationship that needs mending right now! Thank you Mandy for sharing your perspective, and reminding us all that hardships in relationships, only make them stronger, and each person involved stronger as well!
May you all be moved to give thanks for all friends, past and present; and grow the current friendships on Love and Understanding!
**REMEMBER, there will be a GIVEAWAY on Saturday! Anytime throughout this week (Monday-Friday) you can sign up for my GIVEAWAY of TWO custom magnets, made for the Ministry of FromMyLifeToYourHeart Public Speaking, ONE FOR YOU and ONE FOR A FRIEND!!! All you have to do to register to win, is (1) subscribe to follow my Blog (, and (2) post anywhere on Social media, using the hashtag #friendshipweek.
Blessed Friendship week (self-proclaimed) to you all! :)
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