Today we have the 4th, and final, Guest Blogger! Leeanne Burda from, wrote this original Blog post just for us!
Covenant Friendship
“Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as himself”
(1 Samuel 18:3)
I love reading 1 Samuel 18:3 out of the English Standard Version of the Bible. It states that Jonathan loved David as if it was his own soul. A recurring principle in scripture is that we are meant to run this race of life with others. We cannot live alone. We were created for fellowship and accountability, and our lives being intertwined with others.
Jonathan and David’s friendship went beyond special. The fact that scripture says Jonathan made a covenant with David shows the gravity of the promise he made. Jonathan, whose own father, King Saul, was trying to kill David, would honor their friendship even if it meant Jonathan lost his life. Scripture says that their souls were knit together.
One of our greatest influences will be the friends in our life. I’m sure David would have rather had one Jonathan than twenty partially devoted friends.
Pray today that the Lord will surround you with friendship, covenant love, and wise influence.
As I examine my own life I realize that friendship is also something I have to make a priority. I have to be available and commit my time to loving others. I have to be a great listener, encourager, servant, and cheerleader. Friendship is so very sweet when two people sharpen one another with God’s word, but also in rejoicing and weeping, depending on the season of life God has placed them in.
Do you have a friend or friends who hold you accountable and know you intimately?
Thank you, Jesus, for the example of Jonathan and David. I pray, Lord, that I would model their integrity in friendship today and pass those characteristics on to my children. I pray now for the friends you will bring into their lives. May their friendship strengthen their walk with you. Amen.
Leeanne Burda
Blogger, Praying Through Life
Twitter: @prayingthrulife
Thank you LeeAnne!! This post is a great reminder of how important friends are! Loyal, faithful, understanding girlfriends are priceless!
May you all be blessed with multiple friendships that feed your soul, lift your heart, and make you smile!!
Tomorrow I will write a "wrap up" of all the sub-topics this week, and ask for some feedback..... So, join me to review the high points and celebrate a week of wonderful Guest Bloggers!!
**REMEMBER, there will be a GIVEAWAY on Saturday! Anytime throughout this week (Monday-Friday) you can sign up for my GIVEAWAY of TWO custom magnets, made for the Ministry of FromMyLifeToYourHeart Public Speaking, ONE FOR YOU and ONE FOR A FRIEND!!! All you have to do to register to win, is (1) subscribe to follow my Blog (, and (2) post anywhere on Social media, using the hashtag #friendshipweek.
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