Monday, May 22, 2017

1st Post for "Daughters of the Deep"

Hi Readers!

I am so happy to announce that I am now a part of the writing team for "Daughters of the Deep"!

I will have a post on that community Blog monthly, and I will always share it here! 

So, CLICK HERE and Enjoy my first post on "Daughters of the Deep": 

"I" Did It".

This post is a great reminder to us all to not take the glory for ourselves, but rather honor God's Greatness with each blessing that we are given!  

Monday, May 1, 2017

Guest Post on "Made to Mother"

Hello Readers! 

Please enjoy my Guest post that went live today on "Made to Mother".   I had fun writing this very real post, about the craziness of motherhood! 

Here's a quote from the post: 

“There is nothing you cannot do with a whole lot of faith and a little bit of coffee.” That is my motto! (well, maybe a whole lot of coffee, too). Faith enables us to make it through the craziness of life."
Click Here, Mamas we are not weak! to check out my post.
