Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Well, I am not a person who is very fond of feet... I mean, generally, they smell, they are dirty, and not so cute...

I remember a few years ago, when my church had a special prayer service, that there were volunteers 'washing the feet' of anyone who wished to partake, and I did not partake.  I remember thinking...."my toes are not polished, I've been in these shoes all day, I am not going to give my feet to a stranger to wash, how embarrassing"....

That prayer service had not crossed my mind again, until this week, when the following scene played out in my home:

Because of my current back problems, one morning, while getting ready to leave for school and work, I asked one of my boys to buckle my shoes... He did so immediately, without complaint.  Then, when I put out the other foot, my other son said "Hey, let me do that one!" and pushed his brother out of the way.  I walked out of the house thinking 'why in the world would they argue over who got to buckle my shoes?'  But then it hit me...they only wanted to help someone that they love overwhelmingly; Me!  They argued over who would get the 'honor' of making things easier for someone that they love deeply.  Wow!

That then made me think of the prostitute who washed Jesus' feet, in Luke 7: 37-38: "A sinful woman in the town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house. So she brought an alabaster jar of perfume 38 and stood behind Jesus at his feet, crying. She began to wash his feet with her tears, and she dried them with her hair, kissing them many times and rubbing them with the perfume."

For the first time, I UNDERSTAND why that woman washed and kissed Jesus' feet...  She loved him overwhelmingly!  She knew that Jesus' was her Savior, and that He deserved the Best that she had to offer!  She wanted to give Him something, anything, in exchange for the love that He gave her, and all of humanity. 

I am SO grateful to my boys, for teaching me this lesson!   For showing me that no matter the dirt, grime, smell, filth, or any other form of put-off'; giving something helpful, caring, meaningful, to someone that you love overwhelmingly, is easy, and without reserve, because of how deeply you love them! 

I guess a saying that is hanging in my house, REALLY rings true today... "While we try to teach our children about life, our children teach us what life is all about!" 

I think, the next time that there is a Prayer Service at which feet washing is being done, I will volunteer to be a washer...blessing others through love! 

Monday, April 20, 2015


Last weekend, the worship band that I am in played/performed "Remember" by Laura Story. I was very excited when the worship leader chose this song for the weekend after Easter! How fitting!

I didn't expect, though, that I would continue thinking about that song, and Jesus' sacrifice all week long...but that is the effect it had on me...

It seems sort of natural/normal to me to feel Easter joy all year through, but that the only time that we really mourn the amazing, unbelievable sacrifice of Jesus, and of God through His Son, is holy week. 

But why? As these lyrics say over and over, we should be moved to remember, all the time... 

The song talks of the bittersweet-ness of the immense sacrifice of Jesus. We need to consider both the blessed, amazing, unmistakable gift that He gave us, by dying for all of our sins; and of the sadness of the death of our Savior, God's Son.

I am truly thankful for this reminder that I've been contemplating all week. I have been in a mental tails-spin between praising the gifts we were given through Jesus, and the bittersweet nature of the whole thing... I mean, our Savior and Lord was killed for us. He took all the blame for my sins, our sins, the world's sin to come. The more I think about it, the more astonished I am by the magnitude of Jesus' existence, and the never ending blessing that God gave us through him!

Wishing you all a Blessed Week!   Remember! 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Thank God for Psalms!

Psalms 19:14

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer."

On my way to worship band rehearsal tonight, the above verse popped into my mind, and hasn't left since.... You see, I have heard myself saying (under my breath) some less-than-desirable words over the past few days.  I am feeling down and defeated, because I have been experiencing extreme low back pain, along with nausea.  

Over the last 3 weeks I have missed several 'fun' family events due to this pain and being ill, and I have also missed a considerable amount of work.  But, the last 3-4 days, have proven to be especially challenging.... and I have noticed my attitude change from the usual, peppy, me; to grumpy, frowning, negative me.  

Well today, I finally got a medical answer.... doctors confirmed what they suspected, that I have a herniated disk in my low back.  I felt a certain amount of relief, finally being told, for certain, what I am dealing with.  

As I mentally processed this news, less than 4 hrs. after the Dr's call; I decided, as the above verse ran through my mind, that I need to go about this new "hurdle" in life, in an entirely different way....

I decided that I would much rather be thankful, than grumpy.  Having decided that I wish to try my best to have the words from my mouth and those in my mind, be grateful to the Lord, and praise and glorify him; I was able to put a stop to the negativity in my mind!  Yes, I am still scared.  I am still worried by my level of pain, but I am also finding new STRENGTH in the Lord, that I did not have earlier today. I just needed a reminder, from God, that He gives me strength, and that He is always watching out for me and caring for me!  

As I write this post, another verse is coming into my mind, part of Psalms 23...  "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.  He makes me lay down in green pastures...." 

Thank you Lord, so very much, for MAKING ME "lay down", and rest my mind and body. Thank you Lord for reminding me that every word from my mouth and mediation of my heart are heard by You, and should be pleasing to and praising You. And most importantly, Lord, Thank you for reminding me that YOU are my STRENGTH, and therefore I need not worry, You take care of ALL of Your children!