Saturday, December 31, 2016

Looking Forward to 2017

I am so very excited for a new year to begin! 2016 was a long and emotional year, and I am very ready to move on from it! 

Yesterday, I saw this post by a friend on Facebook, and responded "My Sentiments Exactly": 

"Dear 2016, 
We've been through so much together.  It's not you, it's me.  I've got to be moving along now.  I will always remember you." 

The feelings of moving on, moving forward, in to a new year are overwhelming me with excitement!   I cannot wait to see what God and 2017 have in store for me! 

And, I hope and pray every day, that it is an 'upgrade' from 2016! 

I decided to chose a Bible passage to start off 2017 with, and to make it my 'theme' of the coming year.  In the very beginning of my search for the perfect passage, I came upon 'the one'.   
Psalm 103:1-5
Praise the Lord, I tell myself, 
With my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. 
Praise the Lord, I tell myself, 
and never forget the good things He does for me. 
He forgives all my sins
and heals all my diseases. 
He ransoms me from death
and surrounds me with love and tender mercies. 
He fills my life with good things
so that my Youth is renewed like the eagles's. 

My interpretation, in relation to 2017 and myself, is a follows: 
Never stop praising the Lord! 
Notice and rejoice in all good things He does for and in me!
Remember, every day, the mercies of the Lord! 
The Lord loves me more than words can express. 
When I am tired, look to Him for strength and renewal.

Wow!  That turned out to be a great theme for 2017!

Going in to the new year, 2017, I strongly encourage you to: 
*Turn your complaints in to Praise.
*Magnify all good things in your life.
*Remember that you are forgiven.
*Look to the Lord to heal all your ills. 
*Remember how much He loves you. 
*Thank God daily for His mercies. 
*Focus on all your blessings.
*Fly through adversity like a youthful Eagle, and don't let anything bring you down!