Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Some of the many meanings in the Dictionary for the word Trust are:
(n) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, of a person or thing; 
(v) to have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on.

Yep!  That sounds exactly like the type of "trust" that we are to have in God! But, let's be honest, it is sometimes difficult to maintain that level of trust in someone.    With the ever-changing life that we all lead, in his drearily changing World, it is often difficult to feel comfortable trusting anything! 

Truth be told, I have had the above graphic as a slide in one of my Christian presentations for 2 years now......But, it wasn't until the last few weeks, that I figured out that I related the wisdom of the above saying, to only 2 major life events of my own.  Until very recently, I had not yet figured out for myself, that God has a different, and specific plan for every detail of our lives! Everything.....from the job that we work at a given time, to the people that we spend time with, to the opportunities that are put before us, and every moment in between; is strategically placed by God. 

As I was recently listening to a Christian speaker, I heard her saying over and over, that 'God wouldn't listen to her "suggestions" for her life, but HIS ideas, always seemed to work out better than her's anyway!'

I also read something on Facebook yesterday, to the effect of....'God might do the complete opposite of what you pray for, but you will soon find out that He has it all under control!'

So, as I look back on the last few days, and then the last few months, and years; I cannot help but notice all of the wonderfully amazing things that came our of God doing/allowing the opposite of what I had prayed for! 

How amazing are his works! 

Psalm 40:5
Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.

Today, may you have the wisdom to trust God's plan fully, and feel comfort in His Divine direction for each moment of our lives! 

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