Monday, September 1, 2014


Just this week, my boys & I were walking up a friend's driveway to go visit them, when my older son turned to me, out of the blue and said "Mom, is **** a swear word?"
I froze in my tracks, with what must have been a completely terrified look on my face.  He then said, "MOM!! Are you OK?".  His face relayed the level of shock that must have been displayed on mine....
I replied "YES! that is the most horrible swear word that exists!  And don't you ever say it again, now that you know how awwful it is!"
He seemed satisfied with that answer, and turned and kept walking...
I felt frozen in time though...   Why was I so terrified that my child knows this word???  Well, it is a dirty, terrible word, and I found myself praying, "Lord, please let my words today sink in to my child's heart & mind more than ever before!  Please help me teach him acceptable, respectful words! Amen."
As I continued to think about that moment over the next day or so, I became more & more comfortable with the way it played out.
Isaiah 54:13 
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.


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